"It's often said that the hardest part about Sitecore projects is choosing the right icon."

- Phil Wicklund, Jason Wilkerson

(Professional Sitecore 8 Development)

As a best-practice, Sitecore recommends developers "use icons wherever applicable to facilitate visual differentiation." However, with over 8,700+ icons across 24 categories to chose from, spotting the right icon can end up being time consuming.

Sitecore Icon Search was built to help Sitecore developers quickly identify the right icon for their Sitecore templates - allowing them to focus on creating great visual experiences for Sitecore CMS users.

There are no package installations or versions to keep up with (although please be mindful that not every icon listed here supports older versions of Sitecore - Most do however 😀 )

Simply visit this tool from your web browser, find the best icon, then copy and paste the releative path into the template's Icon field.
